After a lot of problems and hardship I have manage to finish a handful of fishing rods. I have put them to the test in genuine fishing situations as well. And hopefully there's some information or knowledge that can be of help for someone who's interested in building from these blanks. Don't hesitate to comment or contact me via mail if you have any questions regarding these rods and the building process making them.

Blank: Sage Z-axis 10' 6#
Handle: Flor Cork, burl and rubber cork
Reelseat: ALPS RA701L2
Guides: Fuji LNAG strippers and H&H snake guides.
Thread: Gudebrod Olive, no CP. Red/brown and gold trim wraps.
Finish: Flexcoat
Comment: This rod turned out alright. I made it for a friend. I've tested the casting ability a couple of times before deliverance and even if 10 feet or longer singelhanded flyrods usually isn't my cop of tea the rod felt light and smooth. The strain due to leverage that longer flyrods can produce felt minimal and the action held up well with the presicion that rod blanks from sage often are associated with. I'm pleased with this one.
Blank: Dan Craft Enterprises, Five Rivers LTFX, 9' 6#
Handle: Flor Cork, burl and rubber cork
Reelseat: ALPS RA701L2SKC
Guides: Seymo Game stripper and H&H snake guides.
Thread: Ruby red from Pac bay, no CP. Gunsmoke bling wraps.
Finish: Flexcoat
Comment: Man! This blank made a really potent rod. I've added snake guides in a light mode on the top section and it really amplified the natural fast and crisp feel of the blank. But you better get your casting technique together or this casting machine will backstab you. Timing is crucial to be able to use the full potential of the rod. I mostly been using Guideline Costal flyline or Airflow's 40 + in aftm 6. Works fine with the slight overload these lines produce.
On the other hand the rod lacks some kind of elegance and smoothness in delicat casting situations. If you need a fly rod to get you through harsh and windy conditions and reach far to get a bite, LTFX is your friend.
Blank: CTS Affinity X, 9' 6#
Handle: Flor Cork and rubber cork
Reelseat: ALPS RA701L2 in titanium color
Guides: Seymo Game stripper and H&H snake guides
Thread: Old gold from Fishhawk, no CP.
Finish: Threadmaster
Tipsize: 1,8 mm (4.5)
Windingcheck size: 8,5 mm (appr. 30 cm from the butt)
Blank: Sage Z-axis 10' 6#
Handle: Flor Cork, burl and rubber cork
Reelseat: ALPS RA701L2
Guides: Fuji LNAG strippers and H&H snake guides.
Thread: Gudebrod Olive, no CP. Red/brown and gold trim wraps.
Finish: Flexcoat
Comment: This rod turned out alright. I made it for a friend. I've tested the casting ability a couple of times before deliverance and even if 10 feet or longer singelhanded flyrods usually isn't my cop of tea the rod felt light and smooth. The strain due to leverage that longer flyrods can produce felt minimal and the action held up well with the presicion that rod blanks from sage often are associated with. I'm pleased with this one.
Blank: Dan Craft Enterprises, Five Rivers LTFX, 9' 6#
Handle: Flor Cork, burl and rubber cork
Reelseat: ALPS RA701L2SKC
Guides: Seymo Game stripper and H&H snake guides.
Thread: Ruby red from Pac bay, no CP. Gunsmoke bling wraps.
Finish: Flexcoat
Comment: Man! This blank made a really potent rod. I've added snake guides in a light mode on the top section and it really amplified the natural fast and crisp feel of the blank. But you better get your casting technique together or this casting machine will backstab you. Timing is crucial to be able to use the full potential of the rod. I mostly been using Guideline Costal flyline or Airflow's 40 + in aftm 6. Works fine with the slight overload these lines produce.
On the other hand the rod lacks some kind of elegance and smoothness in delicat casting situations. If you need a fly rod to get you through harsh and windy conditions and reach far to get a bite, LTFX is your friend.
Stripping guide from H&H |
Lightwire snakeguides |
Blank: CTS Affinity X, 9' 6#
Handle: Flor Cork and rubber cork
Reelseat: ALPS RA701L2 in titanium color
Guides: Seymo Game stripper and H&H snake guides
Thread: Old gold from Fishhawk, no CP.
Finish: Threadmaster
Tipsize: 1,8 mm (4.5)
Windingcheck size: 8,5 mm (appr. 30 cm from the butt)
Comment: A fast action rod but yet sophisticated and kind of forgivig to errors in the casting technic that sometimes occur. Affinity X blank lacks the raw power and the "kicking" feel that DC LTFX produce but generate great precision in medium as well as longer distances. This rod have great ability to handle different kinds of lines and fishing situations. The affinity X are versatile and have a character of it's own. It's a nice rod.
New Zealand CTS Rods are designing and manufacturering some of the highest quality equipment.